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When to Redesign Your Website

If your website was made a while ago, it’s probably time to start thinking about refreshing it. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common reasons you should give your site an upgrade: 

1) Your Design is Dated 

Website design trends change fast. If your website was made a long time ago… chances are it doesn’t look great when compared to a newer site from your competitor. In just 3-5 years, web design trends change a lot! Your website needs to show your clients that you’re a business they can trust. For many people, your website will be their first impression of your business, so it needs to look and feel great. 

2) Your site is not mobile friendly 

Around 50% of web traffic comes from mobile devices; that percentage can be even higher depending on the type of website. If your site isn’t mobile friendly, a huge number of people may simply be unable to view the information on your site – meaning you are likely losing out on potential customers.

3) You can’t edit your website yourself 

If making small changes to your site is difficult for you to do on your own, that’s a huge sign that you should think about getting it redesigned. Our platform lets you easily make any change to your site that you may need (PLUS, you won’t have to pay us any monthly fees since you’ll be managing your site yourself!).

4) You’re offering new services 

If your business is offering new products or services, or has added new ones in the time since your website was built, it’s worth thinking about a redesign. Adding lots of new important information over time can muddy the flow of your website, making it hard for your customers to find what they’re looking for.

5) You’re paying too much for your current website 

If you’re paying expensive monthly fees for your website, it’s time to reevaluate if that money is worth it. Our website service doesn’t have you paying us expensive monthly fees – we simply build the site and hand it off to you!

These are only some of the most common reasons we see people wanting to update their website, but there are many more. Maybe your current site has poor SEO, or the design just doesn’t suit your brand. If you’re feeling that your current site is lacking in any way, give us a call to see what our website team at Kitsap Networking Services and Sequim I.T. can do for you!


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